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10 Feb 2023

La Réserve des Monts d'Azur et le réensauvagement

En Europe, la France comme d’autres démocraties modernes, assiste à un retour du Sauvage qu’elle n’a pas su voir venir, auquel elle n’est pas préparée et a bien du mal à s’adapter : augmentation des populations d’ongulés sauvages, retour spontané du loup, expansion du lynx, accroissement de la forêt…

Mais à la différence de nos voisins italiens ou espagnols, la France ne reconnait pas encore la nécessite du laisser-faire sauvage et assiste, impuissante, au processus même qui donne naissance à la biodiversité : la capacité d’évolution de ses écosystèmes.

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24 Jun 2021

Przewalski's horse to conquer Chernobyl

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place on the night of April 25-26, 1986, 35 years ago.

This site will not be able to welcome human beings again without fear for their health in… 24,000 years! It is still heavily polluted.

From now on, it is a large natural reserve where people let the plants and animals capable of adapting to it, live as they wish.
Around Chernobyl, there are no hunters, no farmers, no inhabitants.

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22 Oct 2019

When The Reserve hosts France 3

Two exceptional programs came to make discover the Monts d’Azur Reserve to the viewers! “Des racines et des ailes” with Carole Gaessler and “Les Chroniques Méditerranéennes” by Nathalie Simon.

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22 Mar 2019

A little philosophy...

Jacques Deschamps. Professor of philosophy.

Worked in high school and then at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Fontenay-St Cloud and Lyon.

Personal research: the figures of materiality (space, body, animality).

Next work: Penser dehors. Essai de métaphysique matérialiste, to be published by Les Liens qui Libèrent (LLL), fall 2019.

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23 May 2017

Ornate caves

If, today, the Cro-Magnon Man returned to the Reserve of the Monts d’Azur , he would not be out of place. He would find there a large part of the fauna that he used to rub shoulders  with and that he represented on the wall of the caves shortly before the Neolithic: the bison, the wild horse, the deer, the wolf, the lynx, the chamois,…

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